Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Travel journalling

Of course I appreciate all the blogs about frugal travel, quit your job,vagabonding,ect but where are the posts about keeping a travel journal? Before I make a commitment to where I want to go, I start fretting over the details of my new journal.

Handmade or store bought?
If I go with store bought, do I finally want to get my paws on a Moleskine again?
Closed-spine or spiral bound?
White,line-less paper or a colored,random mix?

Then there are supply issues.
Carry them in my vintage train case or a small army bag?
Water colors or craft paint?
Do I paint the pages ahead of time or do I paint as I go?
Do I glue in my ephemera or wait till I add pictures?

To me, this is a very exciting aspect of travel. I am fixing to drive to New Mexico and have not even made my book yet! Will come soon. So,do you keep a journal? What do you put in it?


  1. I do that same thing. I thought I was the only one. Your journals are great. I got your blog link from 2peas.

  2. Cute travel journal - I fret too, about what to use and have taken to handmade ones.
